"Love, Kennedy": Why the Book Offers More than the Movie
If the Love, Kennedy movie left you feeling inspired, you’re not alone. Kennedy Hansen’s story is one that resonates deeply, reminding us of the po...
One Man's Study of JSH 1:1
I was studying Joseph Smith History (JSH) for this week’s section in Come, Follow Me and verse one grabbed my attention! I’ve read JSH dozens of ti...
How Scripture Study Can Change Your Life (The D&C Series Email 1 of 7)
How Scripture Study Can Change Everything
First off, scripture study isn’t just about reading words on a page—it’s about connecting with God, findi...
The Life and Legacy of John M. Pontius
John M. Pontius was an author, speaker, and devoted member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS). Throughout ...
Defending Your Faith Pt. 5: Polygamy and The Word of Wisdom 🛡️⚔️
This is the last post of this series! It’s been such a great learning experience for myself researching the best ways to understan...
Defending Your Faith Pt. 4: Women in The Church and Modern Day Prophets 🛡️⚔️
Welcome back to the Defending Your Faith email series!​Thank you to all of you who have read along until this point, and a warm we...
Defending Your Faith Pt. 3: Homosexuality and Church History 🛡️⚔️
So far in this email series, we’ve discussed how crucial it is to study and pray about the doctrines we believe in as members of The...
Defending Your Faith Pt. 2: Religious Discussions 🛡️⚔️
Confidence is Key
Last time, we discussed the importance of knowing and believing in what you’re defending. Putting i...
Defending Your Faith Pt. 1: Believing What Your Defending 🛡️⚔️
In today’s world, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to be a follower of Christ. External forces con...
Motherhood (Divine Nature of Women series 8 of 7)
Dear Reader,
We decided to do one more email in the Divine Nature of Women series on Motherhood seeing as Mother’s Day is coming up s...
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