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Continue ShoppingDuring this Easter season, it's important that we remember two things. The first is that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the World. The second is to remember the atoning sacrifice that he made for all of us. Taken from the book Doctrinal Insights of the Book of Mormon, we can read the testimonies of two Latter-day apostles on their takes on these two things that we should remember this Easter season.
Jesus Christ is the light and life of the world because all things were made by Him. Under the direction and according to the plan of God the Father, Jesus Christ is the Creator, the source of the light and life of all things.
Jesus Christ is also the light of the world because His example and His teachings illuminate the path we should walk to return to the presence of our Father in Heaven.
Jesus Christ is the light of the world because He is the source of the light that quickens our understanding, because His teachings and His example illuminate our path, and because His power persuades us to do good. Jesus Christ is the life of the world because of His unique position in what the scriptures call “the great and eternal plan of deliverance from death” (2 Nephi 11:5).
Jesus Christ is also the life of the world because He has atoned for the sins of the world.
(Dallin H. Oaks, With Full Purpose of Heart [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2002], 11–14)
In this unspeakably wrenching and nature-shattering pain, Christ remained true.
He went alone into the garden. Mark says He fell and cried, “Abba, Father” (Mark 14:36). Papa, we would say, or Daddy. This is not abstract theology now. This is a Boy pleading with His Dad, “Abba [Daddy, Papa] . . . all things are possible unto thee; take away this cup from me.” He says, in effect, “If there is another path, I would rather walk it. If there is any other way—any other way—I will gladly embrace it.” “Let this cup pass from me,” Matthew says (Matthew 26:39). “Remove this cup from me,” says Luke (Luke22:42). But in the end the cup does not pass.
Then He said and did that which most characterizes His life in time and in eternity. He yielded to the will of His Father and said, “Not my will, but thine, be done” (v. 42).
If you can leave your students one element of commitment in response to the Savior’s incomparable sacrifice for them, . . . try to help them see the necessity to obey—to, in their own difficult domain and hours of decision, yield, to suffer “the will of the Father” (3 Nephi 11:11), whatever the cost. . . . The thing Christ seems most anxious to stress about His mission—beyond the personal virtues and beyond the magnificent sermons and even beyond the healing, is that He submitted His will to the will of the Father.
Plead with you to yield to the Father, to yield to the Son, to yield to the Holy Spirit. There is no other way.
(Jeffrey R. Holland, “Therefore, What?” New Testament Conference, 8 Aug. 2000 [The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2000], 7–8)
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