10 Books to Help You Prepare For Any Emergency

10 Books to Help You Prepare For Any Emergency

In 2020, a lot of us found ourselves underprepared. Between scrambling to find goods (I’m looking at you, toilet paper) at stores to the economic turmoil that led to the loss of many jobs, we would be naive to believe that we will never go through something like that ever again. Instead, we should be preparing for the next time something comes up. We have included a list of books we feel can help you to prepare for the next time things take a turn for the worse. Let us know what you think in the comments!


1) It’s Time To Plan Not Panic: Emergency Evacuation Preparedness and Coping Skills by Barbara Salsbury 

“In Plan Not Panic Mrs. Salsbury offers practical solutions to meet your individual needs in case you are ever forced to evacuate your home or workplace. She tells you how to get ready for a 72 hour (or longer) evacuation and existence in a shelter so that you will not only survive it but survive with a minimum of discomfort and a maximum of confidence. Emphasis is placed on individual factors. Lists that specify exactly what you need - if prepared by someone else (even though "professional"- are not to be completely relied upon. There are too many individual factors involved in a setlist to apply to everyone...Your 72-hour emergency kit must be ready - and accessible-before an evacuation crisis occurs and you are forced to leave your home or employment. How well you are prepared will determine how well you are able to cope. In Plan Not Panic the essential elements for you to consider are outlined in detail.”

Buy your copy here: https://www.cedarfort.com/products/plan-not-panic-41001 


2) Caught Prepared: 25 Simple Steps to Protect Your Family in an Emergency by Sam Spencer

“No matter the disaster, you’re caught prepared. From food storage to sanitation, to emergency power, this easy-to-follow preparedness guide is so practical that no family can do without it. In 25 easy-to-implement steps, this book teaches you exactly what to do now to protect your family and give you peace of mind for years to come.”

Buy your copy here: https://www.cedarfort.com/products/caught-prepared-25-simple-steps-to-protect-your-family-in-an-emergency-paperback 


3) Canning Cents: The Money-Saving Whole-Foods Canning Handbook

“Canning just makes sense… and dollars! Seasoned chef Stephanie Peterson, an avid home canner, teaches you how to get that fresh, farm-to-table taste by preserving your own organic produce and whole foods. Whether you’re a canning pro or novice, this book is sure to become your go-to guide for canning foods with remarkable flavor and gourmet flair!”

By your copy here: https://www.cedarfort.com/products/canning-cents-the-money-saving-whole-foods-canning-handbook 


4) It’s in the Bag: A New Approach to Food Storage by Michelle and Trent Snow

“Gathering food storage can be overwhelming! It's in the Bag: A New Approach to Food Storage will teach you a fast, convenient, delicious, and inexpensive method for ""baby stepping"" your way to family food security. Even if you already have a year's supply stored away, you'll learn how to save space and time by organizing your food storage using this convenient new bag system. With over 100 recipes for breakfasts and dinners, you're sure to find something even your pickiest eaters will enjoy. When you're finished, you'll be able to simply grab a bag, follow the recipe, and enjoy a delicious meal your family will love!”

Buy your copy here: https://www.cedarfort.com/products/its-in-the-bag-a-new-approach-to-food-storage 


5) The Ultimate Gardening Guide: Utah State University’s Guide to Common Gardening Questions by Katie Wagner, Shawn Olsen, Dan Drost

“Whether a garden novice or expert, don’t miss out on The Ultimate

Gardening Guide! Find expert advice and proven techniques to your

gardening questions, including

  • Garden Layout & Planting
  • Three Common Soil Problems
  • Weed Control
  • Fall-Time Garden Turn Down
  • Harvest and Storage of Vegetables and Fruits

This easy-to-use book brings you a bounty of tips and tricks so you’re

guaranteed a green thumb, even if you’ve never sewn a seed before. Learn how

to maximize your space, keep your plants thriving, and save yourself time and

money as you plant your way to the garden you’ve always dreamed of growing.”

Buy your copy here: https://www.cedarfort.com/products/the-ultimate-gardening-guide-utah-state-universitys-guide-to-common-gardening-questions-paperback 


6) Stress-Free Vegetable Gardening: Thriving Gardens with Minimal Effort by Caleb Warnock

“Save time and money in your garden! This book shows you exactly how easy it is to create an abundant crop with almost no effort. All you have to do is stop fighting against your garden’s natural growing patterns and get out of Mother Nature’s way; she’ll do the hard work for you! With this book in hand, you can enjoy delicious harvests that come back year after year!”

Buy your copy here: https://www.cedarfort.com/products/stress-free-vegetable-gardening-thriving-gardens-with-minimal-effort-paperback 


7) The Provident Prepper: A Common-Sense Guide to Preparing for Emergencies by Kylene and Jonathan Jones

“Earthquakes, hurricanes, civil unrest, economic troubles—no one knows when the next disaster will strike. Will you be prepared? With everything from cooking in a crisis to home security and protection, The Provident Prepper is the ultimate guide to making timely preparations for an uncertain future. You don’t need to bug out to be safe; be ready in the protection of your own home during any emergency.”

Buy your copy here: https://www.cedarfort.com/products/provident-prepper-a-common-sense-guide-to-preparing-for-emergencies-the-paperback 


8) More Forgotten Skills of Self-Sufficiency by Caleb Warnock

“Bestselling author Caleb Warnock is back with a new collection of skills to help your family gain independence and self-reliance. Learn about self-seeding vegetables, keep chickens without ever buying feed, collect water from rain and snow, find wild vegetables for everyday eating, and even make your own laundry soap? If you liked the first Forgotten Skills book, then you will love these additional techniques for becoming truly self-sufficient.”

Buy your copy here: https://www.cedarfort.com/products/more-forgotten-skills-of-self-sufficiency-paperback


9) Queen of Common Cents by Michelle Snow

“Be it in the kitchen, laundry room, bathroom, out in the garden or on vacation, bestselling author Michelle Snow, will help you save time, money and resources by teaching you everyday money and time saving tips and facts that work! This is a must-have book for every person who wants to make their life a little easier and their pocketbook a little fatter!”

Buy your copy here: https://www.cedarfort.com/products/queen-of-common-cents 


10) Financial Armageddon by David Draughon

“This book, a valuable source of information and advice about financial stability, has the answers that can save you in an economic collapse. Learn what you can do now to protect yourself and your family from the approaching financial Armageddon.”

Buy your copy here: https://www.cedarfort.com/products/financial-armageddon 


Be sure to also check out our emergency prep pack that includes a fire starter, compass, emergency blanket, emergency tent, and other items that might come in handy! Check it out here: https://www.cedarfort.com/products/s441-prepper-pack