Author: Vernon Wiehe
Is what happens in your family just normal sibling rivalry or could it be called sibling abuse? This instructive guide will help you answer this question and help you break any cycle of violence, verbal or physical. The practical suggestions in this book will protect your children now, and help them become responsible adults.
You will learn: * How to identify abusive behavior * How to prevent abuse in your home * How to know when to intervene This book shows that siblings hitting each other is not just kids will be kids and something to be tolerated unless it gets too raucous. It is one of the ways children learn that hitting another member of a family is intolerable, and therefore one of the causes of later domestic violence. Best of all, this book gives parents the tools to do something about it. Murray Straus, Ph.D., Family Research Laboratory, University of New Hampshire This comprehensive examination of sibling abuse not only uncovers its extent and impact but offers parents sensible and useful advice. Sibling abuse is the cradle of family and interpersonal violence. Wiehe provides a timely and useful means of preventing the tragic toll of violence in our society. Richard Gelles, Ph.D., School of Social Work, University of Pennsylvania
Product Details:
- Format: Paperback
- Print: Black & White
- Size: 6x9
- Page Count: 192
- ISBN: 9781555175863
- Imprint: Bonneville Books
- Office Use: 1Q045