Author: Linda Dunning
A resurrection witnessed, skeletons unearthed from the cellar of a saloon, and a ghostly apparition searching for her lost child? These stories and more will chill your bones, curdle your blood, and make even the most confident skeptic believe in the supernatural! Read about strange voices, sounds, and glowing orbs that were recorded and photographed in a Utah cemetery; light bulbs that were seen floating in the air; and the ghost of an outlaw hermit who torments anyone who dares enter her habitat!
Linda Dunning, the award-winning author of Specters in Doorways and Lost Landscapes, has gone far beyond the unbelievable with her stories of the gruesome and unexplained. According to this author, no place is exempt from being haunted! Read it and prepare to believe in ghosts!
Product Details:
- Format: Paperback
- Print: Black & White
- Size: 6x9
- Page Count: 244
- ISBN: 9781599552712
- Imprint: Bonneville Books
- Office Use: 1M251