How amazing was General Conference this weekend! What was your favorite part? President Nelson's parting counsel yesterday was:
“Talk about the temple with your family and friends. Because Jesus Christ is at the center of everything we do in the temple, as you think more about the temple you will be thinking more about Him. Study and pray to learn more about the power and knowledge with which you have been endowed — or with which you will yet be endowed."
With an emphasis on "study and pray to learn more about the power and knowledge with which you have been endowed," we have assembled a few books that will help you in your study to grow your knowledge on both your covenants, the temples, and the gospel.
#1 - Royal Daughters with Priesthood Power
Royal Daughters with Priesthood Power: 7 Ways Latter-day Saint Women Recieve and Exercise the Priesthood was one the best books written in 2019 about the role that women play in the Priesthood and the Gospel. In a time where there is so much confusion and uncertainty in gender roles and what the world wants us to believe, Rob Line reminds us the importance of our covenants, and the power the Priesthood has to all those who keep the commandments.
#2 - The Covenant Path
The Covenant Path: Finding the Temple in the Book of Mormon offers amazing and original insights from author Valiant Jones on the temple covenants that we make and how they are prevalent throughout the Book of Mormon stories. This is such an interesting read and a one of a kind book that has been very well received. If you go to the product page you can even listen to a FREE audio podcast of Valiant Jones discussing the Book of Mormon and the temple covenant themes it contains!
#3 - Sacred Covenants
Sacred Covenants: Our Agreement with God to be Exalted is a new release from Cedar Fort this year and one of THE BEST BOOKS that discusses the importance of keeping our covenants and understanding them. In this book you will learn about the pre-mortal existence and the discussions we all made with each other in order to come down to Earth, and also learn about the deep meanings of our covenants and how to full utilize them and their blessings in our every day life.
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