Author: Chelsea Dyreng
Come! Let us show you our secrets!
The voices swirled out from the cavernous hole, echoing against the walls becoming a part of me, flashing under my skin, through my heart and brain, filling every part of my body with fire.
Come! Come down to us!
Nothing else was important. Nothing else mattered. The thought of complete surrender thrilled me to my core and I leaned forward, completely willing to do whatever they asked of me. Take me, I breathed. Take me, I am yours.
It was not Sandpiper’s choice to find the dead body in the village drinking water.
There’s something strange about the great, deep pool they call the cenote and the men who keep drowning in it. To help prevent more deaths, only the women are allowed to draw water, but it doesn’t seem to be working. Sandpiper can’t help thinking that the men are hiding something.
But then, Sandpiper has a secret of her own.
When the women of the village finally learn what beckons the men into the cenote, they struggle to make sense of the shocking truth. When her own husband becomes the next victim, Sandpiper realizes that his life will depend completely on her ability to forgive.
Product Details:
- Format: Paperback
- Print: Black & White
- Size: 6x9
- Page Count: 255
- ISBN: 9781462117284
- Imprint: Sweetwater Books
- Office Use: 1M542