The Power of the New Testament with David Ridges

The Power of the New Testament with David Ridges


In this exclusive 30-minute digital fireside, best-selling author and teacher, David Ridges discusses the importance of the New Testament as it pertains to the gospel, and Come Follow Me in 2023. 

"It is crucial that we understand the New Testament is the account of Christ's mortal mission, Atonement, and resurrection. The New Testament is Key to our understanding of all the scriptures."

Brother Ridges also discusses how Latter-day Saints can apply The New Testament to their daily lives, by reviewing many scriptures that provide insights into Christ's teachings and how to apply them. 

"One of the key issues in understanding the scriptures is applying them to ourselves. Application is the key to getting a whole lot more out of our study."

We hope you enjoy this digital fireside with Brother Ridges. If you want to get a copy of the latest edition of The New Testament Made Easier, please click the link below where you can get the book for the best price on the market. 



David J. Ridges taught for the Church Educational System for thirty-five years. He taught adult religion and Know Your Religion classes for BYU Continuing Education and spoke at BYU Campus Education Week for many years. He has served as a curriculum writer for Sunday School, seminary, and institute of religion manuals. His callings in the Church include Gospel Doctrine teacher, bishop, stake president, and patriarch. He and his wife, Janette, have served two full-time Church Educational System missions. They are the parents of six children and are enjoying a growing number of grandchildren.


They reside in Springville, Utah.