Kazakhstan is on the brink of civil war, and Elders Schofield and Johnson need to get out ASAP. But as they're trying to escape, the train they were supposed to catch explodes - and the elders become the prime suspects!
With terrorists on their trail and the whole country against them, the missionaries only hope is to reach the US Embassy in Astana - 800 miles away!

Although the story of Stranded is fictional, stories of missionaries around the world being affected in terrorist attack situations isn't. Mason Wells survived from second and third degree burns after a bomb went off in Brussells leaving him and three other missionaries injured. This story is documented in his book Left Standing in which he talks about surviving not just the Brussels Bombing, but also the Paris Terrorist Attacks, and the Boston Bombings.

Stories like these are why we need to constantly pray for the missionaries abroad. They are doing the Lord's work and while Heaven does have a watchful eye on them, our prayers and forever support of these young men and young women go a long way.
To read more about stories like this, go to cedarfort.com where we have an abundance of books that will not only enrich your life, but also keep you on your toes as you turn each page.

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