The First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has announced that time-only marriages in the temple will no longer be performed.
The discontinuance was addressed in a Monday, May 24, letter to General Authorities; General Officers; Area Seventies; stake, mission, district and temple presidents; and bishops and branch presidents.
In the past, time-only marriages were only performed for those who had been previously sealed to a spouse who had passed away. Both people had to have good standing with the Church, temple recommends, and a marriage license. This practice, however, has been discontinued as of today.
The First Presidency in a letter stated:
“A temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the house of the Lord. It is a holy place of worship where individuals make sacred covenants with God and receive promised blessings. These covenants and blessings are eternal in nature.
“Because of the eternal nature of the temple and the work that takes place there, it has been decided that time-only marriages in the temple will no longer be performed. In the case where a couple desires to be married civilly and where a sealing is not contemplated or possible, the couple is encouraged to invite their bishop or stake president — where it is legal — to officiate at the marriage ceremony.”
What are your thoughts on this? Let us know in the comments!
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Jun 02, 2021
It makes sense. Our leaders are inspired.
Susan McGibney
May 31, 2021
I am always okay with whatever the First Presidency decided. i didn’t even know they did for time marriages in there, as none of my friends who married for time did in the temple.
Jane E. Thatcher
May 28, 2021
I’m very sad to read this. I just lost my sweetheart companion of 40+ years. We had been sealed in the Los Angeles Temple in 1980. Not that I’m rushing into another marriage, but I did look forward to being able to be sealed for time if I ever remarry. I’m sorry this decision has been made.
Jaunna Batty
May 25, 2021
I never knew any other marriage other than for “time and all eternity” were performed at the temple. Civil marriages were done in the chapels, town halls, parks, beaches, or other local areas. This was news to me!