Taken from the Church Announcement on creating an Online System for Temple Prayer rolls:
The First Presidency has announced that an online system has been created to allow members to send the names of family or friends to the temple, where those names will be placed on the prayer roll. Requests to place a name on the temple prayer rolls can now be made by visiting any temple’s information page and clicking the prayer roll link. Once the names are entered, they will be sent to that temple (or to the nearest operating temple if that temple is closed).
This is really convenient for members who are being affected by COVID-19 and having their temples closed. It is common for people of faith to pray often and to ask Heavenly Father to bless those who they know that is afflicted in some way.
In temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, this practice is observed. Members are invited to place the names of those in need on what is known as the “prayer roll” of the temple. Members then unite their faith in asking Heavenly Father to bless those persons whose names are on the prayer rolls.
To read more about it and learn how you can participate click here or go to the Church Newsroom Website!
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