An Emphasis of Conversion, Missionary Work, and having a love of Jesus Christ at General Conference

The first session of General Conference has ended and the speakers were amazing. I felt in this session, there were a 3 major themes that were constantly being pushed on to the members: personal conversion, missionary work, and spreading the name of Jesus Christ. 


This was seen the most in Elder Neil L. Anderson's talk as he discussed the importance of emphasizing Jesus Christ more and more in our lives. 


He invited us to whenever we teach our children, to use the stories of Jesus Christ as an example. When friends, family members, or those we run into tell us of their every day struggles, we should use Jesus Christ as a way for us to help and teach them, rather than pull from personal experiences. This would be a form of missionary work, while at the same time growing our personal conversion. 


A lot of this emphasis that Elder Anderson created was due to a recent study that he quoted, stating that: 


"In the last ten years, 30 million people in the United States have stepped away from believing in the divinity of Jesus Christ."


He then added that the study stated that in the coming years this number would continue to rise world wide. Because of this, members are invited and asked to continue to study the life of Jesus Christ, his parables, his stories, and his teachings, to best understand and keep Him in our hearts. 



This emphasis has been seen in recent years when President Russell M. Nelson asked that we put the name of Jesus Christ at the forefront and acknowledgement of our Church. The terms "Mormon" and "LDS" were asked to not be used. 


Elder Anderson's talk, which heavily focused on the emphasizing Christ in our every day life, speech, and actions, was met integrated well with the topics of prayer and personal conversion that were seen in other talks today. 


President Nelson's talk on the Gathering of Israel was the cherry on top to finish this conference, tying in the topics of Missionary Work, Personal Conversion, and Emphasizing Jesus Christ. To fully understand the Gathering of Israel, one must put these three topics to the top of our "must-do" list in order to receive the full blessings. 


President Nelson ended the session with this:


"Now my brothers and sisters, it takes faith and courage to let God prevail. It takes persistent, rigorous, spiritual work to repent and to put off the natural man through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. It takes consistent daily effort to develop personal habits to study the gospel and learn more about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, and to seek and respond to personal revelation. During these perilous times, which the Apostle Paul prophesied, Satan is no longer even trying to hide his attacks on God's plan. Embolden evil abounds, therefore, the only way to survive spiritually, is to allow God to prevail."


What are your thoughts on General Conference so far? What has been your favorite talk? Let us know in the comments!