Author: Michelle Porcelli
You Will Be Found invites all hearts to turn towards Christ by exploring scripture and testimonies of how God knows you and answers prayers individually.
With over eight billion people on earth today, it is easy to doubt whether God could possibly know and love all of us individually. As members of the Church, we are taught that if we want something, all we need to do is pray and ask the Lord. But if we don't get the answer we seek, or if we struggle to hear an answer at all, that doubt can deepen into frustration, anger, or feelings of unworthiness.
In this inspiring book, Latter-day Saint educator and TEDx speaker Michelle Porcelli emphasizes that Heavenly Father does answer our prayers-each and every one. With this insightful discussion, you will discover that
• God knows you individually and answers your prayers according to His desire for your life.
• Even when we don't get the answers we want, God presents us with learning opportunities that will strengthen our eternal bonds.
• God is in the details of your life and in the lives of each person around the world.
The true stories in this book testify of God and His son, Jesus Christ, and stand as a witness that you are not forgotten. You will be found!
Author Bio
Michelle Porcelli is TEDx Speaker, corporate trainer, and Elementary
School Counselor. She has written and instructed courses for BYU
Independent Study and also a presenter for BYU Education Week
and Especially For Youth conferences.
She graduated in 1993 from Brigham Young University with degrees in
Health Education, Social Science, and earned a Teaching Certificate. She
graduated in 2010 from University of Phoenix with a Master’s Degree in
School Counseling.
In her spare minutes of the day, she loves to write about Christ and how we
can turn towards him during times of crisis and also during times of
triumph. “He is the reason we do what we do. He is the way back to God
and through him we can attain eternal life.”
She runs two Hope Squads in the elementary schools and has created a
‘Zen Den’ where kids can take a ‘brain break’ to help with emotional
regulation. She thinks many adults could learn from little kids who are full
of light, love, and forgiveness.
Recently, she won an award for making the best sweet chili, enjoys
traveling, chocolate chip cookies and homemade bread. Michelle resides
Utah with her 6 children, 2 grandkids, 3 French Bulldogs and 1 husband.