Author: Jeffrey R. Young
Prayer is one of the most important blessings in our livesletting us communicate directly with our Heavenly Father. Through prayer we talk to Him, tell Him what we are grateful for, and tell Him what we need. Then, when answering our prayers, He communicates with us in a variety of ways, letting us know He is near and He is listening.
In this book, Jeffrey R. Young writes about prayer in a humble manner, and the truthfulness and significance of his message clearly reflect the power of the revealed scriptures.
How to Receive Discernible Answers to Your Prayers is a valuable, step-by-step guide to drawing closer to our Heavenly Father through prayer. If the principles and knowledge in this book are developed and used, we will be able to grow in our understanding of spiritual truths and learn His will for us whether we have been praying for all our life or are just beginning to truly communicate with our loving Father in Heaven.
Product Details:
- Format: Paperback
- Print: Black & White
- Size: 6x9.88
- Page Count: 180
- ISBN: 9780882907871
- Imprint: CFI
- Office Use: 2M14H