Author: Jennifer Richardson
This is a book for those who want to date seriously, whether teenagers or experienced daters in their twenties, thirties, or forties. Written from the perspective of one who has "been there, done that," it gives tips, practical advice and encouragement according to gospel precepts, and asks important questions about yourself and your partner.
Chapters include "A Few Tips for Gals and Guys," "Ten Great Things To Do on a First Date," "Are You Prepared?," "Be True to Yourself," "Be Honest to Those You Date," "Enjoy the Dating Years," "Still Dating," "Is This the One?," "Divorced and Dating," "Staying Morally Clean," and "Overcoming the Effects of Abuse."
The author uses her own experiences, as well as others' tales to discuss personal preparedness, honesty with yourself and dating partners, avoiding abuse and divorce, staying morally clean, and having fun.
There's a wealth of down-to-earth, very useable advice here for everyone involved in dating and courtship. Clearly, this is far more than "just another dating book"!
Product Details:
- Format: Paperback
- Print: Black & White
- Size: 5.75x8.75
- Page Count: 164
- ISBN: 9780882907604
- Imprint: CFI
- Office Use: 2M12H