Angels in Our Midst is about the ministering of angels a blessing promised to Latter-day Saints through the keys of the Aaronic Priesthood. It explains that angels are messengers: authorized representatives of God.
Written with an easily understood style, Angels in Our Midst explains the various missions that angels perform. It teaches how one qualifies for the ministering of these heavenly beings. An explanation of the promises made to Latter-day Saints by Church leaders concerning angelic ministrations makes the book a powerful motivator for righteousness.
This Book defines the differences between mortals acting as angels, resurrected beings fulfilling angelic tasks, and the ministrations of premortal spirits, postmortal spirits, and translated beings. Various types and ranks of angels are presented, as mentioned in the scriptures and other sources. This book shows that men are angels in training. The power of angels is demonstrated through scriptural accounts such as Abraham's experience when he was visited by angels prior to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, and through other accounts of angelic visitations. The function of "watcher," or guardian angels, is explained. Missions that angels will fulfill during prophesied future last-days events receive comment. Inspiring examples of recent ministrations of angels in the lives of Latter-day Saints also are given.
Angels in Our Midst parts the veil of mystery concerning angels and their work. The insights found in this book will help every reader draw closer to Heavenly Father and to those special ministers He has provided for His children the Angels in Our Midst.