The End of the New Era and Ensign. New Names Given to Church Magazines.

Beginning January 2021, the Church will replace its four current magazines with three global magazines. This was announced on August 14th on the Church's website. The "New Era" and the "Ensign" names have been retired and given new names. 


The three global magazines will be:

- The Friend (for children)

- For the Strength of the Youth (for youth)

- The Liahona (for adults)


Taken from the Church News website: 


Primary General President Joy D. Jones said with all of the challenges and opportunities in the world today, “children have never had a greater need for the strength, comfort and guidance offered by the Savior and His teachings.


“We are thrilled that the new global Friend magazine will now reach children in 47 languages around the world, inviting them to follow Jesus together and to serve as He did.”


For many years, the Church has published three print magazines in English — the Friend, New Era and Ensign — and the Liahona in other languages.

The length and format of the new printed magazines will undergo changes, including a reduction in print pages for adult English readers and more frequent publication in some languages. For example, families reading languages that currently receive only one magazine per year can now receive magazines every other month.


To read more about these new changes go to this link by clicking here!


What are your thoughts on these new changes? What do you think about the new names?