In an announcement to members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, President Russel M. Nelson stated in a message that "A pandemic cannot and will not stop the Lord from embracing us."
In preparation for the upcoming General Conference, President Nelson sent out this message to members:
Dear brothers and sisters, |
A pandemic cannot and will not stop the Lord from embracing us. His love is constant. He never stops watching over us. He has promised that He will be on our right hand and on our left, that His Spirit will be in our hearts, and that even His angels will surround us (see Doctrine and Covenants 84:88). |
You and I have a special opportunity to feel His love during the upcoming general conference on October 3 and 4. I pray that you and your family are preparing to hear the words the Lord will speak to you through His servants. |
I also hope that you will prayerfully consider inviting friends and family, including those of other faiths, to watch general conference so that they too may feel the Lord’s embrace. |
Sincerely, |
President Russell M. Nelson |
How are YOU preparing for General Conference? Let us know in the comments!
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Peggy Weatherby
Oct 05, 2020
I love general conference and I try to get some sort of personal message from the talks.
Patricia Diana Washington
Oct 02, 2020
I am preparing for general conference by posting on Facebook for all the world to see that they are invited to receive words of wisdom and counsel from true disciples of Christ. I am So grateful for the opportunity to post daily scripture snacks In hopes that it will create a hunger for the truth. May the world be flooded with righteous desires. I pray that we will all one day see the wisdom of following our Savior every day not just on Sunday.