Narrative Nonfiction Writers Conference



Many writers don’t know that the difference between
writing nonfiction and writing fiction is mostly the subject
matter. Learning to tell stories, even true stories, through the
lens of fiction writing will improve reader’s engagement and
increase the commercial success of a book. Understanding
the usefulness of narrative plotting is the first step to a great
nonfiction book.



5 hours of instruction
  • Choosing the Lens
  • Drawing the Reader into the Character
  • Suspense
  • The Book Arc
  • The Chapter Arc

10 hours of workshop

After each one hour class, the group will participate
in a 2h workshop where you receive personalized
feedback on your work in progress.


November 16th 9-12
November 23rd 9-12
November 30th 9-12
December 7th 9-12
December 14th 9-12




1. Personalized Feedback
Nothing compares to having someone say, “Hey, this could
be better if you tried doing this.” No one gets better without
someone showing you where your writing needs a little
more work.

2. Group Instruction
As important as understanding technique and the how-to of
writing is, the opportunity to hear other perspectives and
ask questions allows everything the chance to sink in.

3. Tools Needed to Polish MS
Whether your writing your debut book, or your fifth, the best
writers never stop learning how to connect with readers and
make their words shine.