Get More Out of Your “Come, Follow Me” Study - With "the Gospel Made Easier Series"

It’s Hard…

Your “Come, Follow Me” study isn’t what you want it to be.

Despite the myriad ways you’ve tried to get into the scriptures, you struggle to get anything out of them.

The unfamiliar language, ancient culture, and foggy historical context hide many of the deep insights you need to bless your life, but searching through extra references is often just as difficult to follow… so what do you do?

But There is an Answer

What if I told you that there was an easy resource that tens of thousands of Latter-day Saints use to simplify and enhance their “Come, Follow Me” study? A resource that weaves the insight, definitions, and context from a trusted CES educator into the scriptural words themselves in a unified study experience.

David J. Ridges’ Your Study of the Gospel Made Easier is that resource–a best-selling scripture study series that will deepen your understanding of the Standard Works without overcomplicating it.

Whether you prefer physical books, ebooks or even audiobooks, the Made Easier books will simplify your study. With Brother Ridges’ commentary included, in-line with the scriptures, you can listen to the audio without needing to pause the audio and flip through another book to glean the insights.

Why Can You Trust the Made Easier Series?

Brother Ridges taught for the Church Educational System for more than 35 years and served as a curriculum writer for the Sunday School, Seminary, and Institute of religion manuals during that time. Since then, besides the continued scholarship and the best-selling series, his insight and instruction at BYU Education Week, BYU Continuing Education, and Know Your Religion classes have blessed thousands.

Though you may never have a chance to learn in Brother Ridges' classroom, through these books you will feel like he’s sitting beside you and recommending insights for you to write into the margins of your scriptures.

It’s really like having “a teacher in your hand.”

You Can Do It

You don’t need to feel that you’re falling short in your study–you CAN understand the scriptures with Brother Ridges’ help.

You’ve heard the call to live in a higher and holier way, and at the beginning of a new “Come, Follow Me” study year, you can receive the help you need to do so.

See a brief excerpt from the New Testament Made Easier below and a longer sample from the Book of Mormon Made Easier at this link. Or for scripture listeners, you can listen to a section of Isaiah Made Easier here.

You can find Brother Ridges’ Your Study of the Gospel Made Easier series and his many other doctrinal books at, Kindle, Deseret Book, Seagull Book, and wherever great Latter-day Saint books are sold.

See David J. Ridges Books Here


Here is a sneak peek of next year’s study:

New Testament Made Easier Full Set

The 3rd Edition of the New Testament Made Easier includes hundreds of additional brief notes and commentary, more verses from the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible, and, as an invaluable bonus, the complete manuscript of the best-selling book Our Savior's Life and Mission to Redeem and Give Hope.

Quickly gain a basic understanding of the New Testament with the help of brief notes within and between the verses.


Example: John 2:3-4

"It does appear from the next verses that Mary, Jesus' mother, had a role in helping to host the guests at this wedding celebration. Perhaps she was a good friend of the family. Whatever the case, she knew who her Son was, and when they ran out of wine, she requested His help.

3 And when they wanted wine [when they ran out of wine], the mother of Jesus saith unto him, They have no wine.

4 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come [I have time to help].

JST John 2:4
4 Jesus said unto her, Woman, what wilt thou have me to do for thee? that will I do; for mine hour is not yet come.

We understand that the phrase, "mine hour is not yet come," in verse 4, above, is a way of saying, in effect, that Jesus had not yet begun His formal mission. Verse 13 marks the beginning of His formal three-year mortal mission. It is also helpful to note that the word "woman" was a term of high respect in the days of Jesus."



The New Testament Made Easier

★★★★★ - “This is a great help to anyone who would better like to understand the Bible. Gives an outline of what's taking place in history in each book and explains some of the terms and lingo used in the wording!”

★★★★★ - “Love these books, [they] really help me to understand the background and the more difficult writings. Lifted my spirits because suddenly I could understand something that previously was a mystery to me.”

★★★★★ - “Finding it so much easier to read the scriptures along with the explanations provided”

The Book of Mormon Made Easier

(also the version for Teens)

★★★★★ - “I love how easy he makes the scriptures. He speaks in a language I can understand. Thank you David. I use your books almost every morning.”

★★★★★ - “I enjoyed a better understanding of this beloved book of scripture. The author has the ability to reach all levels of students in this book. I will certainly continue on with the next book. Outstanding!!!”

★★★★★ - “This book...and all the rest of them...are spectacular!! They make understanding much much easier and you can understand it way better with all the comments and observations of the writer. You get the feeling like you're in his classroom and he's explaining it to you.”

The Doctrine & Covenants Made Easier

★★★★★ - “We just Love all of the study guides by David J Ridges. Not only does he include the scriptures in his books, he also adds any historical info and defines some of the more difficult words (based on what they meant back in the day). These guides can help everyone to learn the scriptures on a much deeper level.”

★★★★★ - “This is my third set of books by this author. They are very insightful and easy to follow and study from. Every source is a direct quote from a prophet or apostle and is cited. This series includes doctrines found in the D&C which I really love!”

★★★★★ - “I used this when I first returned to Church and it was very helpful to me.”

The Old Testament Made Easier

★★★★★ - “I wish I had known about this book a long time ago. I've struggled to read my scriptures regularly for years and, when I do, am sometimes confused by language and context. I felt I was not getting all I could from my reading. I happened upon these books… and my scripture reading experience has changed forever! I understand so much more than I used to… I am retaining stories and information like never before and am seeing symbolism in the pages of the text. Quite to my surprise, I've developed a consistent reading schedule because I look forward to daily study now. Thank you, David Ridges.”

★★★★★ - “What an incredible teaching tool. THE OLD TESTAMENT CAN BE HARD to understand at times and I have to know my stuff as I am a Sunday school teacher for teens, who really know their stuff. Life saver for sure, purchased all the additional books to the Old Testament, it's awesome and I'm learning right along with my class.”

★★★★★ - “An amazing work - it provides a deep understanding of the Old Testament and broadens one's perspective about this important portion of the Lord's plan for his children. It breathes life into the past and connects it with the future.”

★★★★★ - “This author has really done his research!”


Divid J. Ridges Photo

Noted teacher, gospel scholar, and prolific, best-selling author David J. Ridges brings the Standard Works to life with his well-known teaching skills.

He taught for the Church Educational System for more than thirty-five years—at the Institute of Religion near Utah Valley University (as instructor and associate director), Brigham Young University Campus Education Week, BYU Continuing Education, and Know Your Religion classes. He is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and has served in the Church as executive secretary for the Sunday School general presidency, Gospel Doctrine teacher, bishop, stake president, and patriarch. He and his wife, Janette, served as senior CES missionaries and coordinated their assignments. They are the parents of six children and are enjoying a growing number of grandchildren.

Besides this bestselling Gospel Made Easier series, he is the author of many stand-alone books including, Priesthood Power Unlocked; Unlocking the Power of Your Priesthood; Temples: Sacred Symbolism Eternal Blessings; Seasons of a Mother’s Love; A Mother’s Perfect Hope; Born to Virgin Mary; Doctrinal Details of the Plan of Salvation: From Premortality to Exaltation; Our Savior, Jesus Christ: His Life and Mission to Cleanse and Heal; & 100 Signs of the Times.