
Joining The Church He Hated: Trial of Faith

Dusty Smith is not alone when it comes to having to learn through trials of our faith. In 1983 he joined the church at the age of twenty-three, ser...

2 Ways God is Preparing the World for the Second Coming

   There are many things that God is doing to prepare the world for the second coming. We'll highlight two, both taken from 33 Ways God is Prepari...

Trusting God Through Trials - We Are All Paralyzed

Anybody that has gone through hard challenges knows that look people give you when they see you struggling in public, as if to say "better him tha...

Al Carraway is Wildly Optimistic

While our circumstances are typically not that miserable, we still feel alone at times (or even most of the time). We feel full of heartache and pa...

Pioneers, Mormons, and the LGBTQ Community

When you think about the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, a few things typically come to mind. Members of the LDS faith ...

LDS Women and the Priesthood - 7 Ways Latter-day Saint Women Receive and Exercise the Priesthood

LDS women can and do indeed participate in the priesthood, are given priesthood authority, function under priesthood authority, exercise priesthoo...

The Book of Mormon for Kids

If you are looking for something to help your children become more familiar with the Book of Mormon, you are in luck! There are several great books...

Mormon and Gay - Is He Nuts?

Why would a gay man become a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints? On October 11th, 1989, Dennis was watching the Oprah Winfr...

5 Books to Help You Meet Your New Year’s Resolutions

We all know that a goal not written is merely a wish, but what about a goal not … read? Here are five books (and one decoration) that will help you...

5 Romance Favorites

How many of you who are reading this can say that at some point in your life you’ve been in love or simply had a crush on someone?

Reading Aloud to our Children

Reading with your child ... is one of those periods in their life where you can directly impact their ability to deal with stress or anxiety, patie...